Trading gear, vehicles or research with factions.
Vit Barta
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haven trading including gear and planes
Michael Ivanoff
This would be nice if I could trade for a plane and gear possibly also.
Vit Barta
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Buying research
The game has the ability to steal research. It would be fair to give the opportunity to buy research for resources and get a slight improvement in reputation or a decrease in the event of a war between factions.
The most interesting thing about this game is the combination of classes on the battlefield. The choice of basic research will allow planning the development of the squad more consistently and accurately.
Vit Barta
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Trade faction specific
Gábor Csorba
New Jerico would trade, ammunition, gear, weapons. (same as scraping but yield more of a specific value or straight up turn to food)
Anu would trade mutagen.
Synderon would trade captured aliens, units in memorial (for their AI's, names could come up as NPC causing player dilemma to kill it)
Vit Barta
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Trade research with alligned factions
Martin Mystik Jonáš
What about beign able to trade research for resources with alligned factions before they give you all of it for free at 50 reputation? Trade research option would be available at heavens with resesrch center. Price could be progressively lower based on reputation. On reputation 25 it would be 100% and on reputation 50 it becoumes 0% so they will give it you for free as it is now. It will make technology transfer from factions more gradual instead of overything at once as it is now. And it will allow you to get something you need like weapon/ammo research for your special classes soldiers.
Khalid Shawwa
Yes please!
Vit Barta
Merged in a post:
Buy ground and air vehicles from factions
José Rodríguez
I want to be able to trade with a faction for a vehicle using food, materials, or tech instead of having to steal them. If I could trade it for food and materials, or food and tech, I would do so to avoid reputation loss.
Vit Barta
Merged in a post:
Trade items
It would be good to have trade system in havens to buy equipment. Maybe some black market like in x-com.
Sidonio Malho Junior
My biggest complain in the game is the lack of autonomy from the Phoenix faction.
Its the main faction but the tech tree is limited, dont have exclusive class, limited mounts. Sometimes looks like Jerico is the main faction.
The idea of hybrid tech is very good, but again it needs the other factions tech.
Sidonio Malho Junior
I agree with May and Carlos. A market mechanic to get itens from other factions, vehicles, aircrafts, ammo.
i dont like the idea of obligation to friendship. What if i want a anu acid weapon and i dont want to be friends with Anu or a flamethrower and dont want to be friend with Jerico.
Eddie Cohanim
The problem with this tho is that you can essentialy buy research by purchasing a pair of any equipment and reverse engineering it
Carlos Eduardo
Eddie Cohanim: Is this a real problem? You'll still lose resources AND research time if you go this route. Also, you'll only be able to trade for faction equipment, some of the better gear comes from PP itself. If this enables you to get high-tier equipment much early, then the game can delay some tech research by factions (like mounted weapons) so you can't buy them early, or update requirements needing more than 1 or 2 pieces of equipment. Also, when the abusable mechanics (raiding and trading) for infinite resources are closed, this'll add one more choice to our strategy... do I spend resources on getting the equipment I want so I can research it, or do I put it to immediate use? Or maybe I should spend it in another base so I can explore more? etc...
Eddie Cohanim
Carlos Eduardo: domt get me wrong im not saying its a bad idea... I do think its a problem though cause you could essentially get all the top tier equipment without becoming allies with any of them really
May Mendes
Eddie Cohanim: Possibly get rid of reverse engineering, then.
Carlos Eduardo
Eddie Cohanim: But that's always been valid, you can steal and reverse engineer everything from everyone.
Eddie Cohanim
Carlos Eduardo: yeah but ever since they made it that you cant mind control and make someone drop their weapon its been much harder to reverse engineer
Carlos Eduardo
Eddie Cohanim: That's true! To offset that we could have high prices in these kinds of transactions...
Khalid Shawwa
Eddie Cohanim: this already happens when you buy a soldier from the other factions. I just buy two and then research their equipment. If they make trading possible, the factions could limit their trade based on things like whether you have their soldiers already, how much you trade with them, or your faction score. This would allow for the more complex tech to be restricted.
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