Dead Aspida blocks doorway
under review
Steve Crook
Base invasion. Used an Aspida to stun and it then got shot to bits and blew up in a doorway blocking it.
Pandorans couldn't get through, neither could mine, despite there apparently being tiles around the edges of the Aspida.
But everyone could shoot right through the wreckage like it wasn't there.
It made fighting off the invasion more 'interesting' than it should have been.
Not suggesting it's unreasonable exactly, but I could see it leading to a situation where it might be impossible to complete a base defense (for example) because the remaining pandorans have hidden...
Alvaro Rodriguez Tajes
Feels bad that you can block yourself pemanently out of the mission by a bad positioned corpse
Vit Barta
under review
Hi! We saw your F12 report and tested it.
The fact that Aspida was blocking doors is working as intended. Destroyed vehicle hulks are left as an environmental obstacle.
What is not working as intended is that you can shoot through them and we will look into it.
Steve Crook
Vit Barta: Thanks for that. One thing, it would be nice if it was possible to either destroy it or blow it to one side with a grenade or rocket to avoid a doorway being permanently blocked.
Vit Barta: The dead Chiron blocked the movement of the armored vehicle, I tried to blow it up, but it didn't work. Had to restart the mission
Sean Sullivan
Vit Barta: I actually like this and I've done it on purpose before. Wrecking a vehicle to create a barricade makes sense, but if something like this happens then a couple of things need to be addressed:
1) The wrecks do have vertical clearance given the size of the doors so a unit should be able to crawl over them, maybe at a severe movement penalty. This is especially true for Tritons.
2) If it blocks all movement, and you can't get a shot on the enemies, then the mission is at an impasse and cannot be completed. There will need to be some kind of out for this situation. Perhaps the Pandorans retreat, or maybe you get X turns before they come in via the Access Lift, allowing you time to set traps and ambushes for them.