Make the Scylla less vulnerable
Mike Ibeji
Following up on Voland's thread about the ease of killing the Scylla (, Voland’s idea that she has an Achilles Heel that you can only reach by blowing off its protection is a good one.
Say her heart is hidden behind her Carapace. First, you have to blow off her carapace (the most heavily armoured part of her), then you have to position yourself so that you can see her heart, which can only be targeted from certain angles (mainly her very dangerous front). Then you have to take out her heart.
Suddenly, dealing with the Queen becomes a tactical game of cat and mouse. RB, Armour Break etc still matter, because you’ll need to take out her most dangerous tactical abilities in order to position yourself to take her down safely (I do that anyway - if she has Scream or Goo, her Head is the first thing that goes). But you can no longer simply sit back on your baseline, get our your cigar, shout: “Pull!” and wait for the Turkey to come lumbering out of the trap.
david Escher
I think the real problem isn't the Scylla but rage burst + mark for death dealing so much damage. Because it is so large, it is very vulnerable cause you will barely ever miss when firing at it.
Mike Ibeji
david Escher: We're with you there. But until Snapshot grasp the nettle and tone down these ludicrously OP Skill combos, making the scylla slightly less of a glass-jawed walking target would help.
david Escher
Mike Ibeji: Well, I don't think the Scylla is a problem until it becomes hard to deal with, and as of now, the Scylla is one of the weakest enemies in the game, cause if there is one, there are barely any other enemies.
Mike Ibeji
david Escher: That's precisely our point.
Jesse Zimmerman
Late game I can paralyze her super easy with a heavy sniper class using the neural sniper rifle and rage burst 😆 she could definitely use a few buffs.
As it is, coming up against a queen is a relief compared to just about every other Pandoran enemy so I'm all for anything that makes her more formidable.
Eric Stelle
I'd also be a fan of a vulnerable "fontanel" or something in the underside of the carapace where a soldier has to be close to have a chance of hitting it.
Thanks for creating the ticket. I would like to insist on how incredibly lame it is that the Scylla can be killed by hitting her repeatedly on that one leg. It must be a unique example among the milipedes...